Relationship Counseling

When is it Love?

By |June 25th, 2019|Relationship Counseling|

When is it Love?  Love calls for courage, strength and commitment. It needs a soft heart that is vulnerable to pain and grief.  Love builds a bridge between you and everything. It allows you to take risks.  It involves high risk with high stakes and high gains. How does Couples Therapy help? Linda Taylor shows [...]

Encourage Caring Behaviours

By |May 24th, 2019|Relationship Counseling|

COUPLES COUNSELLING CAN ENCOURAGE CARING BEHAVIOURS  Often in long term relationships encouraging caring behaviours can erode. Over time couples settle into the routines of daily living in such a way that they focus less on caring behaviours. The initial joy of the relationship can become a job.  Regardless of whether the relationship is new or [...]

What Really Gets Handed Down in a Family?

By |July 5th, 2018|Relationship Counseling|

  A Personal Essay from our Family Matters Department  After his third or fourth date with her, my son said to me during a phone conversation, “I don’t know, I just like this girl.” He sounded perplexed—as if this realization were a large rock he’d tried to get around but couldn’t, and was surprised that [...]

Lasting Relationships Come Down To 2 Basic Traits

By |March 28th, 2018|Relationship Counseling, Uncategorised|

Science Says Lasting Relationships Come Down To 2 Basic Traits EMILY ESFAHANI SMITH, The AtlanticNov. 9, 2014, 3:20 PM Science says lasting relationships come down to—you guessed it—kindness and generosity. Every day in June, the most popular wedding month of the year, about 13,000 American couples will say “I do,” committing to a lifelong relationship [...]

Master or Disaster Couple Science

By |December 20th, 2016|Relationship Counseling|

MASTER OR DISASTER COUPLE SCIENCE Research has been able to define master or disaster couple science.   Master couples live in a  sound relationship house.  What they do in relationship is very different to what disaster couples do. QUALITES OF MASTER RELATIONSHIPS  Are you a high functioning COUPLE?                                                                                                              There is more positivity than negativity, 5:1 ratio You turn towards each [...]

Build friendship to create safe relationship space

By |December 15th, 2016|Relationship Counseling|

 BUILD FRIENDSHIP TO CREATE SAFE RELATIONSHIP SPACE  Well known relationship experts, Dr's John and Julie Gottman, say that anger in conflict is not dangerous it is the escalation of anger that causes most damage, "only 31% of couples' major areas of continuing disagreement was about a resolvable issue.  69% of the time it was about and [...]

Understanding 10 effects porn has on your relationship

By |October 18th, 2016|Relationship Counseling|

Can porn be safe and unthreatening in your relationship? Many couples who come to me for therapy say pornography can be incorporated into a happy relationship without secrecy and shame but undeniably it can cause harm.    Viewing sex online has too often become a compulsion and intimacy with their partner then becomes strained or forced because of fantasies. Not all porn watchers become addicted,  Patrick Carne's [...]

Happily married forever after

By |September 20th, 2016|Relationship Counseling|

MASTER COUPLES STAY "HAPPILY MARRIED FOREVER AFTER" The most popular months for marriage are October and November.   According the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) in one year about 122,000 Australian couples will say "I do", committing to a lifelong relationship full of friendship, joy, and love. Except, of course, it doesn’t work out that way for most [...]