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When is it Love?

When is it Love?  Love calls for courage, strength and commitment. It needs a soft heart that is vulnerable to pain and grief.  Love builds a bridge between you and everything. It allows you to [...]


If your relationship house is on fire cool the anger flames. Go back and put the flames out rather than chase the person who lit the fire in the first place. If you chase that [...]

By |July 29th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorised|Tags: |0 Comments

Encourage Caring Behaviours

COUPLES COUNSELLING CAN ENCOURAGE CARING BEHAVIOURS  Often in long term relationships encouraging caring behaviours can erode. Over time couples settle into the routines of daily living in such a way that they focus less on [...]

What Really Gets Handed Down in a Family?

  A Personal Essay from our Family Matters Department  After his third or fourth date with her, my son said to me during a phone conversation, “I don’t know, I just like this girl.” He [...]

Create a Resourceful Marriage

Create a Resourceful Marriage Refine your thoughts to enhance your marriage Your mind is a blueprint for creation, reprogram it to create what you want.    You move through a range altered states 24/7.   These are [...]

By |June 13th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorised|0 Comments

Satisfied Marriages are Predictable

SATISIFIED MARRIAGES ARE PREDICTABLE People are wanting to connect on some level with romance and eventually an intimate, happy and long-lasting marriage. The average couple take 6 years before seeking help for marital problems and [...]

By |May 8th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorised|0 Comments